Caroline's corset blog

Musings and progress from Caroline - projects she's working on, tips and tricks, and thoughts on corsetry

Summer 2024 Update

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I have just realised that I haven't posted anything since May and it's already August. This summer is flying by!

Since my last post I have designed an under-bust bodysuit; a kind of high-waisted corseted pant. I have designed two over-bust bodysuits previously (years ago actually) and thought a simpler version might be useful. Bodysuits are always really popular but do need a high level of tweaking to ensure a good fit around one's derriere....


I'm currently working on something that I hope will be of practical use - a money belt; it's a unisex design, with little to no cinch (no lacing down) that serves a couple of purposes; namely to hide your passport, credit cards and money whilst travelling, and to give some back support. If you do prefer it to be laced down and give you that little squeeze, it is easily adapted for that.


It looks basic but is anything but - 4 pockets will be incorporated into the design.

Here is a reminder of all 89 of my designs completed to date;

89 designs to July 24

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